L.P.M prod.
Who is L.P.M prod. ?

The main actors of L.P.M prod. are so bad at acting that they have quickly swapped for an artistic activity that doesn't require acting skill :

Odett : dessinateur dessineux qui dessine quand t-on lui demande. Dessine depuis qu'il sait tenir un crayon sans le manger.

Fly : multi purposes, multi terrains, multi national writers, who doesn't write a line when you ask him to write. He has the rare ability to do nothing when you ask him nothing, and the even more rare ability to do nothing when you ask him something.

L'Ours : spelling host... hebergeur orthographique... que le courage n'égale que l'inconscience de vouloir corriger nos fautes, son adulation pour les adsense le perdra un jour. Ses motivations profondes sont encore inconu du grand comme du petit public, mais un jours on sauras ! Sa maitrise parfaite des "Chiffres zé dé Lettres" ont fait de lui plus qu'un pêre, plus qu'un guide, plus qu'une carte mi-chelin/mi-cotton, il est notre sauveur !

But who are we ?

Vast question with vast answers, but who could better to present us than the Ours which is our host ? Yes, inevitably, it must know us very well, to have fix so much of ours spelling mistake and to take so much useless risk !

L.P.M prod., it lack responsiveness.

Prod. for production cause within production there is prod. it doesn't end with 's' cause you never know.

Production of "oeuvres palmipédesques" that will pose a new footprint in the still fresh stucco of the great international mumbo-jumbo.

Production of dialogues in an approximate French associated with draws of another age. Expect a lot from the shift, "Didier Super" does makes many songs so what ?

Irregular production of useless pages, you are authorized to click on the Adsense, the good news is that they will never be printed. Oneself can spit on his offspring, but respect the trees (and the flowers).

Production of tee-shirt because you will quickly become fan, cause beside the Star Academy and Philippe Geluck we rules. Ho and yes, yes, there will also be mugs.

L.P.M prod., it's Odett with the Bic pen, who's getting better, Fly at the keyboard ( no comment ) and the Ours with the purse, because a rich cursed author, that does not exist. And still, you never know.

l'Ours / NONAME

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